Monday, January 26, 2009

dieting sucks

well, not really, but kind of.

i am doing an adaptive version of the 6 week body makeover, and so far it hasn't been too hard. i just know when i buckle down to actually do the real thing, it's going to be hardcore. i know i want the results that it guarantees, but no sugar, salt, or bread for 6 weeks? WOW!

one thing i like about it is that i can eat every 2-3 hours, and carbs are NOT off-limits. i can also eat a lot of fruits that i love - like berries and grapefruit!

side note.. i have an obsession with grapefruit that may have never been seen before. i normally like to sprinkle kosher salt on top, but with a no salt diet, i've switched to splenda. and it is equally delish! i really could eat grapefruit for every meal.

i keep telling myself that i'm on this weight loss journey for a good reason. that helps (a little).

zach says we can start TTC once we both have gotten to our goal weights. i don't know what my goal weight should be. i have a goal "size", and i don't know how much i would need to weigh to be in that size. sigh. i really do want to come up with a goal so that we can head off in the right direction. any suggestions? no idea what i currently weigh now. that could be a problem.

i think my ideal body weight is something like 115 pounds. YEAH RIGHT! i'm sooooo sure i could be 115 pounds. ::rolls eyes:: i reall just have a lot of muscle, underneath the flab, that would make it difficult, if not impossible, to reach that number.

on another note, i am considering doing a 101 in 1001 list. it seems that it would be inspiring to myself and others.

why are the kids on tv eating cookies???? damn the cookies.

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