Thursday, January 29, 2009


this is what my husband called me this morning.

i was threatening to quit my diet if i didn't "look skinnier".

haha.. i pictured myself like bruce willis with lots of guns and fire and killing.

so here i go again. fighting the good fight. to drop the weight and be healthy.


Tuesday, January 27, 2009

25 random things about me

Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. (i'm not going to tag 25 people, but feel free to do this yourself!)

25 Random Things about Me

  1. i love to do laundry, but only when i have enough time to do it properly. otherwise, it's just a big fat chore.
  2. i am now a crier. this began sometime in my mid-twenties. but i don't remember when.
  3. my first name is sarah but it sounds and feels weird when people call me that.
  4. some of my best friends i have not met and may never meet - a group of women i met on the knot when i was planning my wedding. they forced us to the nest, but we've pretty much all stuck together. they know so so so much about me, and i am grateful to them for loving me and walking through so much with me over the last year.
  5. i absolutely LOVE grapefruit. seriously. love. it.
  6. i have only had one car accident - i fell asleep at the wheel going 85 mph and hit a guardrail head on. i walked out with a scratch on my ankle and bruises on my chest and neck. definitely felt the hand of God in that situation.
  7. i'm a perfectionist when it comes to cleaning the bathroom. i won't allow my husband to do it.
  8. my favorite color is my last name - GREEN! and i think that's pretty darn cool!
  9. i am obsessed with office supplies. l-o-v-e them!
  10. i only like 2-3 ice cubes in my glass. i prefer cold beverages with no ice, but sometimes you gotta have ice.
  11. i have PCOS - polycystic ovarian syndrome. and i am continually learning to live with it. it can affect the TTC experience in a really negative way. it often causes me to lose hope. but i know with God all things are possible.
  12. one of my biggest desires is to be a mommy.
  13. it irritates me to no end when people can't spell or use grammar or punctuation correctly. i realize that i don't capitalize most words (even names) but i think that is fine.
  14. my wedding ring set was my grandmother's. she gave it to zach to propose with and it means so much to me.
  15. i am from texas and i am one of those people who think texas can do no wrong.
  16. zach and i met when we were freshmen in college and lost touch after that first year, then reconnected in 2007 over myspace. i think that's incredible.
  17. i love the number 17.
  18. i am fascinated by medical stuff. i might become a nurse some day.
  19. my husband really is my best friend. and then christine. and then my mom. and then the ladies i mentioned in nuber 4.
  20. i adore pedicures.
  21. i only am happy with my hair when it is shiny. it is only shiny enough when it is dark. sigh.
  22. i once took a limo all by myself in vegas for $4 from the strip to the airport because it was all the money i had left from my crazy whirlwind trip and the limo driver agreed.
  23. i just stopped biting my nails (at my dear husband's request) in december.
  24. i really want to start a 101 in 1001 list and follow through.
  25. i am terrified when i pass a semi that it will hit me, or will lose its load on my car. freaks me out!
sooo there ya go! some things you never cared to know, but now you do. :)

Monday, January 26, 2009

dieting sucks

well, not really, but kind of.

i am doing an adaptive version of the 6 week body makeover, and so far it hasn't been too hard. i just know when i buckle down to actually do the real thing, it's going to be hardcore. i know i want the results that it guarantees, but no sugar, salt, or bread for 6 weeks? WOW!

one thing i like about it is that i can eat every 2-3 hours, and carbs are NOT off-limits. i can also eat a lot of fruits that i love - like berries and grapefruit!

side note.. i have an obsession with grapefruit that may have never been seen before. i normally like to sprinkle kosher salt on top, but with a no salt diet, i've switched to splenda. and it is equally delish! i really could eat grapefruit for every meal.

i keep telling myself that i'm on this weight loss journey for a good reason. that helps (a little).

zach says we can start TTC once we both have gotten to our goal weights. i don't know what my goal weight should be. i have a goal "size", and i don't know how much i would need to weigh to be in that size. sigh. i really do want to come up with a goal so that we can head off in the right direction. any suggestions? no idea what i currently weigh now. that could be a problem.

i think my ideal body weight is something like 115 pounds. YEAH RIGHT! i'm sooooo sure i could be 115 pounds. ::rolls eyes:: i reall just have a lot of muscle, underneath the flab, that would make it difficult, if not impossible, to reach that number.

on another note, i am considering doing a 101 in 1001 list. it seems that it would be inspiring to myself and others.

why are the kids on tv eating cookies???? damn the cookies.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

obligatory first post

i am starting a new blog. this much is obvious and without a need for explanation.

but i am going to explain why i am starting a new blog. zach (my sweet husband, for those who may not know) wanted to know why i couldn't just use myspace or facebook. i don't have an answer for that. i feel like i need a new start on a place that is just my own. (contrary to popular belief, myspace doesn't belong to "me" or "you".. it's not my space.) but i feel like this gone green blog could be my space. where i can blog openly and honestly. and that is an exciting proposition to me.

one thing i should talk about in my first post is that i am currently a fugitive.

i received a letter in the mail alerting me to the fact that i have been ignoring notices of criminal warrants out for my arrest (of which, for the record, i have never been made aware) and that this is the final notice before i am hunted down and taken into custody. imagine my surprise and concern as i am reading this letter!

i called the toll free number found in the letter the next morning and spoke with a nice woman named jessica, who informed me that i had outstanding warrants for not paying a speeding ticket in athens, texas from 2002. the total i must pay to avoid arrest and losing my privilege to drive is $505.70. ouch.

my mom who is a paralegal in east texas is looking into options for me. i am not going to be able to go down there to fight this ticket, so i will likely have to pay the $505, which makes me very sad. we will see what happens. i have until february 23 to pay the money.

so you're reading a tale from a fugitive. how does that make you feel? brave? teehee... :)

on another note, i am really tired of having very tired of working 6 days a week. i appreciate the opportunity to make extra money with overtime, but i miss my time to rest.

i actually have a lot to blog about. i already feel really good about starting this blog. i will write again soon to catch up.